1971 Piper PA39 Twin Comanche C/R N8945Y - $120,000
New Props - New Boots - Extensive Maintenance - and TLC!
N8945Y, Serial Number 39-106, is a beautiful, late model 1971 PA39 Twin Comanche C/R (Counter Rotating) and only 49 of these fine airplanes where built after this one. At 10,873 AFTT, the airplane has high airframe time but like the Navajo, it's Lockhaven counterpart, the airplane is one of most stout airframes ever built. We purchased this airplane for the current owner who has "upgraded" to an H model Beech 18 in the search for more room for his family. In the short time he's owned the aircraft, he's replaced the deicer boots, added 3-bladed MT alcohol propellers, installed a Garmin 430W and a new GI 275 HSI and put the airplane through an extensive maintenance regimen. If you're looking for a fast and economical all-weather aircraft, N8945Y might be your answer...
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- Serial Number 39-106
- Registration N8945Y
- AFTT 10,873.17
- Seats 4 Seats
- Prior Damage History None
- Hangared Yes
- Logbooks Complete & Original
- Located KCMI
- Annual Due 10/31/24
- Txp / Static Check Due 10/31/25
- ELT Battery Change Due 09/30/24
- AD 77-13-21 Part A Due 11,496.98 AFTT
- W&B (lbs) GW 3,600, EW 2,430.09, Useful 1,169.91, CG 82.26"
- Autopilot Piper Altimatic III-B1 A/P
- ADF Bendix-King KR87
- ADS-B uAvionics TailBeacon ADS-B Out
- Audio Panel Bendix-King KMA24
- Chronometer Davtron M800 Digital
- Digital Instrument Aerospace Logic 200 Digital Tachometers
- Digital Instrument Electronics Intl VA-1A Volt/Amp Instrument
- DME Bendix-King KN64
- Engine Management Electronics International US-8A
- Nav Comm #2 Bendix King KX155 w/GS
- GPS 1 Garmin GNS 430W WAAS GPS
- HSI Garmin GI 275 Digital HSI
- Intercom Flightcom 403 Stereo 4-Place
- Transponder Bendix-King KT76A
- Other Dual PTT Switches
Published Aircraft Data - PA39 C/R
- Dimensions Height: 8/3 Ft/In, Wing Span: 36/0 Ft/In, Length: 25/3 Ft/In, Cabin Height: 3/11 Ft/In, Cabin Width: 3/9 Ft/In, Cabin Length: 9/0 Ft/In, Cabin Door Width: 2/10 Ft/In, Cabin Door Height: 2/8 Ft/In, Baggage Door Dimensions: 19 x 21 Inches, Wheel Base: 9/8 Ft/In, Prop Diameter: 72 Inches
- Weights & Capacities Gross Weight: 3,600 lbs, Empty Weight: 2,270 lbs, Useful Load: 1,330 lbs, Fuel Capacity: 84 Gal Useable, Payload w/ Full Fuel: 826 lbs, Main Baggage Capacity: 250 lbs, Main Baggage Space: 20 cu ft, Nose Baggage Capacity: N/A lbs, Nose Baggage Space: N/A cu ft
- Wing Data Wing Area: 178 sq ft, Wing Loading: 20.2 lb/sq ft, Power Loading: 11.3 hp/sq ft
- Service Information Tire Pressure (Nose) 42 psi, Tire Pressure (Mains) 42 psi, Tire Size 6.00 x 6
Published Aircraft Data - PA39 C/R
- Performance T/O Ground Roll 1,250 ft, T/O Over 50' Obstacle 2,160 ft, Landing Distance 700 ft, Landing Distance Over 50' Obstacle 2,100 ft, Initial Rate of Climb: 1,460 fpm, Best SE Rate Of Climb 260 fpm, Absolute Ceiling 20,000 ft, Service Ceiling 18,600 ft, Single Engine Absolute Ceiling 7,100 ft, Single Engine Service Ceiling 5,800 ft
- Fuel & Oil Capacities Standard Tanks: 90 gal, Standard Useable: 84 gal, Extended Range Tanks: 120 gal, Extended Range Tanks Useable: 114 gal, Oil Capacity, Each Engine: 8 qts
Engines & Propellers
- Engines Left - Lycoming IO-320-B1A, 160 HP, 2,000 TBO. S/N L-2804-55A, 1,517.65 SMOH in 1989 by T.W Smith Engine Co., Inc., Compressions 77/ 73/ 70/ 62/. Right - Lycoming IO-320-B1A, 160 HP, 2,000 TBO. S/N RL-103-66A, 1,767.75 SMOH in 1992 by Penn Yan Aero, Compressions 70/ 72/ 76/ 73/
- Propellers MT-Propeller Model MTV-12-C-C-F/CF180-57 3-Blade Propellers, Left Propeller - 50 SNEW in 2023, Hub S/N 220103, Right Propeller - 50 SNEW in 2023, Hub S/N 220154
Airframe Enhancements / Modifications
- Paint Aircraft painted in July of 2003 by Mena Aircraft Painting (479) 243-9995 in Mena, AR using Matterhorn (#00150) White Base Coat, Ming Blue (#10714) Trim Color #1, and Titanium (#10679) Trim Color #2 - Rated 8/10
- Interior Refurbished interior seats in December 2014 by Blair Air Interiors of Mena, AR using Douglass LL-3821 leather. Installed new fire-resistant carpet in 2015.
- Other Two Piece Windshield, New Deicer Boots, Static Wicks, Ice Shields, New 3-Blade MT Alcohol Props, Whelen LED Landing Lights, Strobe Beacon, Zeftronics Electronic Voltage Regulators, New Main Fuel Cells in 2013, New LH Aux Tank in 2016, 120 Gallon Fuel System (114 Gal Useable), Ground Power Outlet, K2U Gear Alert System, Dual Glideslopes, Rosen Visors,
Published Aircraft Data - PA39 C/R
- Speeds Max Speed (Vne): 230 mph Max Structural Cruise (Vno): 194 mph, Maneuvering Speed (Va): 162 mph, Minimum Control (Vmc): 80 mph, Flaps Approach/Max Extension (Vfe): 125 mph, Landing Gear Extension (Vlg): 150 mph, Landing Gear Operation (Vlo): 150 mph, Stall Speed Vs: 76 mph Stall Speed (Dirty) Vso: 70 mph, Best Rate Of Climb (Vy): 112 mph, Best Angle (Vx): 90 mph, Best Rate Of Climb (Single Engine) (Vyse): 105 mph, Best Angle of Climb (Single Engine) (Vxse): 94 mph, Single Engine Operation Vsse: 80 mph, Cruise Climb: 97 mph, Max Glide: 96 mph
- Range In Statute Miles Range @75% Power w/ 45 Min Reserve 892 sm, Range @65% Power w/ 45 Min Reserve 967 sm, Range @55% Power w/ 45 Min Reserve 1,015 sm
Aircraft Location
University of Illinois/Willard Airport - KCMI
Champaign, Illinois, USA